
Showing posts from June, 2018

In Paradisum

Hello Once Again Audience. You now know the story of how I entered exile; now is the story of how I came back. I’ve told this story before, but before you read something else know this will be an extended version; kind of like watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. View this as the extended films, sort of. To the less religiously inclined among you, this may grate a bit, my apologies. And as before, I’ll try and be as respectful as possible of my LDS friends’ beliefs. So I was in. I truly believed everything I was taught and/or learned. Whilst I’d lost some very dear friends, I managed to find new friends, some whom I still hold dear. I considered going on a mission twice, in fact it was the night of my stake interview that I started to think the church wasn’t true, but we’ll get there. But the biggest change was that I ended up getting engaged. Obviously I am no longer engaged, or married, and it is there that today’s story will begin. I’ve made no secret of the fact

Into Exile

Hello Once Again Audience. In the past few months I’ve been asked a lot of questions. There’s been the standard ‘how are you?’ all the way to the obscure ‘can I lick your eyeball?’ (I politely declined this very generous and friendly offer). But in all these questions there have been two that have been asked on a semi regular basis; ‘what made you join the LDS church?’ and ‘what made you come back to “normal” church?’. Over the next two posts I shall attempt to answer both of these questions, possibly in far greater detail than I have given in person. I would like to briefly take this time to reassure any LDS friends reading this that while I have no great love for your church anymore; I still love you and shall do my utmost to be respectful of your faith. So, without any further ado, let’s ask the first question. Why did I join the LDS church? This is the question I’ve had the harder time answering, because in some ways I simply don’t know. There we go, I hope you enjoyed