
Showing posts from January, 2018

Better Than Yesterday, Worse Than Tomorrow

Hello Once Again Audience! So here we are. A new year, a new blog post. And you may notice, a brand new blog entirely. The old blog still exists, don't worry, but I felt it was time for a fresh start, which coincidently is what this post is all about, being the new year and all, it feels appropriate.  This is usually the time that I sit down and regale you all with tales and adventures from the past year. I shall not do that this time. A lot went down in 2017, and a fair bit of it I have no intention of trying to relive. There were some personal highlights though, some life-long goals achieved. But in some ways, 2017 has been one of the roughest years I've had to endure so far. There have been times when I've found it hard to hope for days yet to come, and I personally reckon that if not for a handful of people, I would still be in that place. If I had to some 2017 up in a word, I'd probably use refinement. When I came into this year, I thought I'd end it with a wif